Sunday, January 16, 2011

Prophet Anonymous' prophesies for 2011 part two (parody)

Behold the continued prophecies of Prophet Anonymous! 
(It should be noted that the following prophecies are unpleasant and 20% less vague then previous prophecies.)

Prophet Anonymous' followers.

  • The North Pole will merge with Ethiopia, effectively creating a new continent, on December 21st.
  •  You will give Prophet Anonymous 77% of your income, and you will send out the first check right now.
  •  Microsoft will quit developing software, and begin to manufacture door knobs, which will be able in Doorknob home ($119), Doorknob Professional ($199.99), Doorknob server ($1,209)
     and Doorknob ultimate ($319.99.)
  •  Aliens will destroy the earth on December 30th, after watching a Kenneth Copeland broad cast for the first time.
  • Nationwide will no longer be on your side.
  • Prophet Anonymous will be exposed as a false prophet.
  • Uzbekistan will annex the United States.
  • the United States will be renamed to "Little Uzbekistan."
  • the Moon will come down with amnesia on January 31st.
  • a Frenchman will invite something called a "Aceiih"  it will be used for dish washing.
  • Vampire bats will infect humans with a disease called "Bat flu."  the disease will force people to do the bat-tusi until they die, and it will ultimately be contracted by Adam West.
  • It will be discovered that Darwin's theory of evolution is a half truth, as it only applies to folding chairs. 
  • Stella Recto will evolve from current folding chairs.
  • Penguins will become extinct, as Stella Recto will prey on penguins.
  • poor attempts to piggy back of off the success of a past blog post will be made punishable by law.

Prophecies by
Prophet Anonymous.


Bold Witness For Christ said...

Best one yet. I am sad Nationwide will no longer be on my side!

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