Tuesday, December 14, 2010

Glenn Beck steals from a dieing town. (Wilmington, Ohio)

The city of Wilmington Ohio has a population of 12,603 people. It is one hour from Dayton, one Hour from Columbus and one hour from Cincinnati. It’s only a twenty minute drive from my house.
Once upon a time, Wilmington was the DHL hub for the United States.
Once upon a time, in 1993 the movie adaption of the award winning play "Welcome to Yonkers" was filmed there.
Once upon a time, in 1995 Wilmington was named one of the 100 best towns in America (of its size.).
Once upon a time, in 1997 Time magazine said Wilmington was a great place for people to live.
  And then the town died. DHL had made the town and DHL killed the town,

Wilmington, Ohio

The town of Wilmington, Ohio built its economy around DHL.
You see Wilmington was the DHL hub of the United States. 86% of the people in Wilmington worked at DHL and the other 14% made their living working at Wilmington’s many shops and restaurants that served the people that worked at DHL. As you can see, the economy of Wilmington was based around DHL.)
And then, in 2008, a handful of elderly rich men in Germany made a decision that would put 9,500 people out of work: they decided to cease all DHL operations in Wilmington, and move elsewhere.
This devastated Wilmington. Every time I am there I notice that a few more stores have closed, creating a few more empty buildings. A part of the city dies every day.

To this day the town has been suffering terribly. People cannot afford their homes; they are literally starving to death. Some people are sharecropping or living on communes in an attempt to survive.
Since the town died some celebrities have came to Wilmington in an attempt to assist its people.
Jay Leno did a standup comedy show and gave all of the proceeds to Wilmington, and Rachael Ray made a free lunch for everyone in Wilmington and gave the local soup kitchen a new kitchen. And tomorrow morning, Glenn Beck will be speaking in Wilmington. And Glenn's event, my friend, is why my blood is boiling right now.


You see unlike better people, Glenn Beck isn't doing anything charitable while he is in the dyeing town; instead this pig sees an opportunity to make money. Glenn beck will be charging FIVE HUNDRED THIRTY DOLLARS to see him speak in Wilmington Ohio! You see, first you watch him record his radio show. Then he is going to speak about how "Wilmington needs to help itself." and then people can get their books autographed and all that crap. Glenn Beck should be ashamed, I do not know how he can look at himself in the mirror, and I do not know how he can stand the greedy, selfish eyes that stare back at him. Is he proud of himself, I wonder? When he walks into his mansion does he remember whose money paid for it? Before he eats one of his expensive, extravagant meals does he weep over the fact that he's insulted the starving so many times before?

My favorite depiction of Glenn.

I went to Wilmington today. I saw two signs about Glenn Beck; one of them read "Welcome Glenn Beck, we love you!"
  The other simply stated "THANK YOU GLENN!"
   I noticed empty houses and empty store fronts. 
    Thank you Glenn, for opposing the poor. 
While I was in town I visited the independent Christian book store, located about in a strip mall about five minutes from down town.
they had a display of Glenn Beck's books near the counter, among them "Broke" and "The Christmas Sweater" Christians will buy these books, because they honestly think Glenn Beck is a Christian. Beck is not a Christian, he is a Mormon. He believes that he can save himself through his good deeds, and then after he dies, he thinks he will become a god. (For more information on Mormonism, see my post here) and thus he begins to indoctrinate people that don't know any better with his political extremism and his Mormon gospel of self. 

I have went on far longer then I intended  to, so I will wrap it up with this: 

People in Wilmington are starving.
Glenn Beck is charging people in Wilmington $535 so they can hear him say "Screw you” and then he's keeping the profit for himself.
People are going to go because they think he is a Christian, and they are going to hear about his made up god, and they will take every word that comes out of his mouth as truth.
The definition of Justification in the book of Mormon is "a work of God's grace, after all we can do."

do not forget to pray for the people of Wilmington,
Brandon Montgomery.


Anonymous said...

I added myself to follow your blog. You are more than welcome to visit mine and become a follower if you want to.

God Bless You :-)


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