Thursday, July 14, 2011

The American Robin Hood

I live in a supposedly "Christian nation" where people are left to die on the streets because banks have taken their house, where people can starve to death because they cannot afford food, where money is worshiped above all else, where in teaching we are all equal, but in practice some are much more equal, where any concern is drowned out by the media, who wants us all to conform to the apathy shared among the general people.
I live in the United States where they practice "Social Darwinism" and deem any alternatives as satanic.where Robin Hood is the villain and the likes of Ebeneezer Scrooge are the heroes.

Here in the United States we blindly follow politicians who promise that they have the interest of the common people in mind, then they sell us out the the rich, the banks, and corporations as soon as they are in office.
It is as if we favor politics that punish the poor.

Some even take it a step further, saying the rich should be taxed less and the middle/lower class should be taxed more, so the wealth can "Trickle down" (haha.)

The American Robin Hood, after the jump.

In the Americanized  Robin Hood, Robin Hood would be a wealthy CEO, born into money, who would go the the inner cities and sack the houses of the poor. 
And at the end of the day, after taking a child's piggy bank, he would take the money to his merry well to do men. they would all go purchase, with their enormous fortunes, a couple of WMD and bomb some third world country that does not conform to their crooked ideals.

The people in Robin hood's village would become big headed, they would look down on all the other villages who don't steal from the poor and give to the rich.

The people who Robin Hood steals from would embrace him, the media would portray him as a hero, and
eventually, the people Robin Hood steals from would become like sheep, with Robin Hood and his merry band being like pigs.
The sheep would constantly baa to drown out any opposition or conscious that some malcontent may develop.

Soon all nearby villages would become like Robin Hood's, and they would all figure out that one can profit greatly from paying people next to nothing to manufacture products which one could profit greatly from.
They would create the illusion that every one is actually equal, that every one was profiting.
 And the system would work.

For 1% of the population.

The other 99%?  left to do the work of the 1% left to starve if they can't.

Average Sherwood villager.


Anonymous said...

Brandon, this is powerful.
I think our founders would be ashamed of today's America. :P

Anonymous said...

Are you kidding me? This is ridiculous dude...I'm sad that this came up on google when I searched American Robin Hood.
Glad you got it off your chest, but maybe next time you should think through things before you spout off

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