The Freedom From Religion Foundation launched an aggressive anti-religion ad campaign a couple years ago. Bill boards sprung up pronouncing the groups hatred for any and all gods. They are targeting Christianity and Islam specifically, and they have came up with ridiculous little phrases like "I don't need a god to be happy" (If you think the point of Christianity is to make you happy, you are gravely mistaken.) And "There is no god, so stop worrying."
As ridiculous and child like as the organization has always been, they have somehow managed to reach a new brand of stupidity with their new ad they've truly plateaued:
Just like every bad politician in the past nine years, they are hiding behind 9/11 to support their wasteful cause.
- Let’s evaluate that ad for just a second: they are attempting to appeal to American's sense of nationalism to drum up sympathy for their cause.
- The ad is trying to influence you to believe that the actions of radical Islamic terrorist render all religions responsible.
Let’s look at another ad:
And we are supposed to be the prejudice ones?
Whoever wrote this ad is not only attempting to debase religions, but is also attempting to debase the atrocity of slavery.
Here’s a bonus image for you:
So Darwin has become their god and evolution their religion.
Happy New Year,
Brandon Montgomery
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