Saturday, October 30, 2010

Election 2010

 Yes, it is election time once again. so the glorious Hum party urges (begs) you to elect Hum party members. none of these people are on the ballot, so you will have to write them in.
the following fine men, women and body parts are all running under the Hum banner this year

  • Bosnegheck, the Croatian fry cook.
  • the head of Richard Nixon
  • (the robot formerly known as) Colonel Sanders.
  • That woman that works at the BMV.
  • Dave Ghrol's evil wisdom tooth. 

But we're not going to just to tell you to vote for them, we're going to show you their track record, so you can decide for yourself! (and of course, all these politicians are in favor of moving the capital of the United States to Hum, Croatia! 

Bosnegheck, the Croatian fry cook:
  • Bosnegheck once listened to half of a Mozart song.
  • Bosnegheck like Avocados.
  • he almost graduated the second grade.
  • Bosnegheck will create American jobs and cut taxes, perhaps.
  • Bosnegheck  will create a bill that will stop filibusters, by allowing congressmen to hit one another with socks filled with Jell-o if they attempt a filibusterer.

Thursday, October 21, 2010

How to: Podcast part one.

First things first, I have no business telling you how to produce and record a podcast. My podcast, for the year and  a half it existed, was released sporadicly, and had you listened, you would have had to wait months for me to release a new episode, and then get slammed with two hour long episodes a week. 

But for the most part, that was only towards the end of my podcast's life span, in the beginning I was doing about one show a week...but I was doing them completely wrong, and technical problems plagued me for the show's entirety.

But because I love(d) podcasting, I wanted to write a blog about the behind the scenes of podcasting, so if your interested in starting your own podcast, here it goes:

Friday, October 8, 2010

Mormonism - the Gospel of YOU.

  The Mormons are appearing in  the head lines a lot today, in part because of their new ad campaign "I'm a Mormon."  this campaign makes Mormon's look like fun, happy and hip people- pro surfers and bikers, among other things  rather then who they really are- selfish, power hungry  Arminian's on steroids, more on that latter.
  Also because every one's favorite nut case, Adol-er,Glenn Beck (yes, I have to mention him in every post or I get finned by the FNHL- the Fox News Hating  League.) has came out as a Mormon.  Many are wondering what exactly Mormonism is, and some Evangelifish, and even a few Reformed, are  saying that Mormonism "isn't really that different" and "it's the same Jesus." just so that they may keep Glenn Beck.  So in this post, I wish to show the Evangelifish the error of their statement. so let's dive into some man centered theology!

Monday, October 4, 2010

Small changes.

I've made some small changes to the blog:

  • I made the side bar solid brown rather then transparent.
  • I added a Abstract/grunge background, to replace the pre-made one I was using before.
  • I added in my confession, catechism and denomination to a new box on the side bar.