the following fine men, women and body parts are all running under the Hum banner this year
- Bosnegheck, the Croatian fry cook.
- the head of Richard Nixon
- (the robot formerly known as) Colonel Sanders.
- That woman that works at the BMV.
- Dave Ghrol's evil wisdom tooth.
But we're not going to just to tell you to vote for them, we're going to show you their track record, so you can decide for yourself! (and of course, all these politicians are in favor of moving the capital of the United States to Hum, Croatia!
Bosnegheck, the Croatian fry cook:
- Bosnegheck once listened to half of a Mozart song.
- Bosnegheck like Avocados.
- he almost graduated the second grade.
- Bosnegheck will create American jobs and cut taxes, perhaps.
- Bosnegheck will create a bill that will stop filibusters, by allowing congressmen to hit one another with socks filled with Jell-o if they attempt a filibusterer.
- He is in favor of invading Florida.
- He would vote for you, if you were running and he could legally vote.
- once he gets out of prison, and becomes a legal US citizen, he will do his best to abolish long walks on the beach.
- Nixon's head is a beloved public figure
- Nixon secretly invaded Cambodia.
- If elected, you'll have Nixon to kick around again.
(the robot formerly known as) Colonel Sanders.
- Sander's has a eleven herbs & spices strategy for Economic reform.
- He is indeed a robot.
- bet you didn't know that.
- don't act like you did.
- I know you didn't.
- If elected, Sanders will Kentucky fry every thing that is Kentucky fryable. including you.
- If elected, Sanders will make "fryable" a word... a Kentucky fried word.
the woman that works at the BMV.
- Promises to make lines longer every where.
- lines are 99% longer at her local BMV compared to the past ten years.
- If elected, she will buy another cat to celebrate.
- will build a monument to excess and waste in downtown NYC.
Dave Ghrol's evil wisdom tooth.
- took over Ghrol's body for a short period in 1993, and conquered France.
- roughed up Wal-mart executives in 1994. (not Ghrol, just his wisdom tooth.)
- Wrote "Smells like Teen Spirit" Kurt Cobain just stole credit for it....but the tooth got revenge in the end.
- the tooth admits nothing, and will not testify in a court of law.
- was removed in 1995, but is still quite evil, and if elected, will be put back in Ghrol's mouth
- if elected, promises to bite congress men who fight important reforms.
- Loves Croatia as much as the next evil wisdom tooth.
- battled with the dentist for a epic two hours before being removed.
- would have joined the army, if evil wisdom teeth were allowed in the military.
- will create a government funded organization for the evil wisdom teeth of musicians.
- is married to Hillary Clinton's evil wisdom tooth.
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